Thursday, March 29, 2007

School Musings!!

Everyone always teased me that once Jacob went to Kindergarten that I'd get pregnant again-which I did! But, when Abby goes to school, I won't have that option, so it's going to be a VERY hard time for me. Abby and I were discussing it on the way home today and I asked her what I was going to do. She said I would be alone, so I told her that I was going to cry and cry when she goes to school. Her response was that she also was going to cry and be very sad--when I grow up and go to school! Imagine that !!


Tiffany (and Donny) Legere said...

Aw! Abby is SO cute! And I think that we will ALL cry when you finally go to school. It has been a long time coming - hehe!

Angela Monique Brewer said...

You're very funny!

Unknown said...

Hey - you could come to Maranatha. I'm pretty sure that Wisconsin can't handle more than one Brewer at a time, but I'm almost done...

Isn't it scary that Abby is almost on her way to school?

Angela Monique Brewer said...

I'm pretty sure Stephen would have something to say about me moving to Wisconsin!

Ann said...

Well, there's always adoption....or babysitting, or more time for srapbooking, or......flute lessons.....

Angela Monique Brewer said...

I'm sure my husband will probably put me to work!!

Mike D. said...

Can you add me to your invite list! Mike let me come in under his name.

(It's Melodie)

I'm not sure which one of these you need!

I'm already getting teary eye'd about Emilie going to Kindergarten in the fall - and she's my first.

Unknown said...

Hey Angie, what have you been up to? There are important things to be done in keep your blog updated for your long-lost, soon-to-be-reentering-your-life-for-an-indefinite-period-of-time family members.