Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well, it's 2 pm and I've changed all the beds, washed the sheets and hung them on the clothes line. I've put away most of the winter clothes, got summer ones out, cleaned up the boys room, washed the walls in the boys room, organized their clothes, cleaned my room, the bathroom and am heading to the kitchen. I started out with making sure the upstairs was tidy as we're having realtors in tonight to assess the situation and everything spiralled after that. I'm a compulsive get rid of-er...I love to de-clutter and get rid of stuff I had an enjoyable morning!!


Melodiejoy said...

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who loves to De-Clutter. Although when I get going, you never know what's going to disappear...
This last move out West... was fun... I was able to de-clutter... everything, and then some! Oh the opposite joys of accumulation, are here again!!

Angela Monique Brewer said...

I agree with the things disappearing, or I should say, my husband would...whenever he loses something, he automatically assumes that I must've thrown it out!!

Unknown said...

Hey, you want to come help me pack up to move back home?

Angela Monique Brewer said...


Anne said...

I too suffer from the de-clutter bug. I admit to throwing away a bill of Mom's one time in a fit of cleaning...not on purpose of course, it was in a pile of stuff, and I didn't look at what I was getting rid of. I hear that I get this from a great-great so and so, Dorothy I believe is the name thrown about.
About 2 times a year, at least, I go through the kids' toys and weed out unused (I mean as in UNUSED...not just out of circulation at that time...just a toy that they've never been interested in), broken, or outgrown toys and pass them along to someone else, or to Salvation Army. I do the same with their clothes....mostly those I have a couple people I pass on to. It's amazing how stuff piles up.

sara said...

Doesn't it feel good to have a clutter-free house?! Good for you!