Well...our shopping trip is over and we're back to reality. What a wonderful time we had...we spent ALL our money (and more!) We got to eat out, Mexican and Chinese...YUM! I took the picture of my sister's orange bathroom for Sara! I found this beautiful, beautiful quilt for Abby's bed(when she gets a room and has room for a big bed!) I LOVE it...TJ Maxx, it was just what I was looking for! NOW, I need all you smart ladies' opinions on what color I will paint the room. Should it be mauve, pink or yellow...we also got dragonfly sheets to go with it! I also got an adorable,pink, 3-shelf unit with princess figures on the side for 10$ at the Christmas Tree Shop! The only downfall of my trip was that my husband called me to say that Jonathan REALLLY wanted to go with his grandparents to Jillian's graduation at Marantha. He's going to miss 6 days of school and going to be gone from me for 10 days...I wasn't home to get him ready, so I can only imagine what he packed!?! I really had to ask God for peace because I was VERY worried to let him go so far without me...I spent a wakeful night, but I'm OK today. Pray for his safety. I did get to meet him in St. George for a hug on my way back.