Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Guess what my husband came home with last night?!?!

My husband called me about 10:30 PM last night and said,"You're going to hate me!?" He went on to explain that he had been on the 4-lane on his way home when a Neon stopped in front of him and threw out 3 bundles. When he got a little closer, he saw that they were these puppies, plus one more that the truck in front of him had hit. He was crying and said that he just couldn't leave them. SO, they came home with him. You can see their little ribs, they ate at WHOLE bag of food last night they were so hungry. Anyways, now comes the dilemma of what to do with them. The dark one loves me and sits at my feet and everyone else loves the other one. Jake is even home from school today to 'look after' them. I'll let you know what becomes of them!!


gailsgarden said...

I guess you will just have to keep both of them!

Ann said...

Stevie - bringing those doggies home was an awesome thing to do. Poor little Doggers!! I had to cry a little bit for them, too.

However, from a purely practical point of view, I think you are overlookging the most important question - "WHAT DOES FLUFFY MARSHMALLOW THINK OF THE DOGGIES?"

Angela Monique Brewer said...

It was the FUNNIEST thing to see last night...Fluffy Marshmallow, who has no claws, was attacking these two dogs who loved him and were thoroughly amused by him! I've never seen a back so arched! He'll get over it!

Anne said...

It angers me that people can be so cruel to animals. You have to wonder, if they do that to a helpless infant animal, what in the sam hill would they do with a human (of any age for that matter)? We have Humane Societies and SPCAs for Pete's sake....we gave our cat to the Ottawa Humane Society and 3 days later he was adopted. It didn't cost us anything to do it either. Society is so advanced, but yet, so DUMB....or rather, so sinful.....thus ends my soapbox....:)

Angela Monique Brewer said...

I agree with you, they could at least have left them in the country somewhere, not on a 4 lane highway...I'm not sure these puppies are going anywhere, the kids have named them Cinnamon and Cocoa. The cat has even settled down. Stephen insists that this is NOT his response is WHO'S ELSE'S FAULT could it be!?!