Thursday, May 3, 2007

Abby's insight!!

We were driving down the road the other day in silence...All of a sudden Abby says,"Mommy, I wish I was a birdie!" I thought this was such an adorable thing for a little 3 year old to was cute that she'd been thinking about it. I said, "Oh Abby, that's soo cute, why would you want to be a birdie?" Her response....because she could fly around and poop on everybody! Not the adorable little girl response I was expecting!!


Melodiejoy said...

Too Cute... The girls are talking a lot about seeing Abby in just over a week!!!!!!!!

Angela Monique Brewer said...

Abby is actually at Faith's for a sleepover tonight and Vanessa was saying that she wanted to have everyone...Abby, Emily and Naomi! It'll be cute to see how they act when they see each other!!

Anne said...

Andrea has been running around pretending she's Curiuos George. She acts like him, makes faces like he does, "talks" like him, and tries to do things the way he does.
If only "CG" would eat his/her supper....

sara said...

SO FUNNY!!!!!!